


This varies according to supplier. Some suppliers can automate Basswood Venetian Blinds.


Slat width 50mm


We strongly believe that if one of your blind components breaks, you should not have to replace the entire blind. We offer repairs on most blinds. Let us know if we can help you with blinds repairs.

Add a Touch of Luxury to Your Home with Custom Wooden Blinds

Nothing beats the authentic look of real wood – it fills your space with a beautiful warmth and elegance. When you choose custom wooden blinds, you’ll have that unique natural charm and will have something that’s always lovely to look at with a timeless appeal.

wooden blinds

Benefits of Wooden Venetian Blinds

Simple Cleaning Tips for Wood Venetian Blinds

  1. When cleaning, use a light damp cloth and then dry quickly thereafter. Don’t leave water to sit on the blinds!
  2. For stubborn stains, spray an anti-static or non-sticky household cleaner and rinse with plain water. Try not to use too much water as this could damage the blinds.

Yes, they can be fitted to almost any window. You can have them made to measure to ensure the correct fit for all the windows in your home.

We do not recommend placing these blinds in damp areas.

Are you considering our custom wooden blinds? Why not get a rough quote? All you have to do is send us sizing and we’ll get back to you with an estimate.